Real Estate Agents: New Day One

new day one

new day one

Have you ever noticed that when something goes wrong, everything goes wrong?  When you have a rough day at work you often end up staying late, and then you get stuck in traffic on your way to dinner, then you get a ticket while speeding to make your reservation, only to find out that the restaurant lost your reservation?  While that may be a bit of an exaggeration, I think we can all relate to the feeling. 

Now what if when you were having a bad day at work, you took a second and thought to yourself what could I have done differently?  What could I have done yesterday to make sure that today was not going to end on a bad note?  I have always found that if I can stay positive, and find the silver lining in every situation, I can avoid having those one-after-another “rule of three” bad days/months/years.

Over the next two weeks I will be calling each of you individually to set up a time for us to meet one-on-one and lay out your goals for 2014.  If we start today, when our feet touch the ground this morning we put our best foot forward despite how cold the floor may be, we can make next year your best year yet.

We are starting a new initiative at JohnHart, and all of you will be a part of it.  Our initiative is called NEW DAY ONE, and it means just that:  You get a NEW DAY ONE.

Imagine waking up tomorrow and having it be the first day of the rest of your life. Now imagine that feeling, that overwhelming sensation, happening every new day. It can happen if you will it to happen. In this business, failure is the “norm.” Underachieving is an overwhelming reality. Going by the wayside or disappearing into the shadows is a very real possibility. In this business, only a staggering 1% find success. Here at JohnHart, we want to flip that number on it’s head. There is a recipe for this kind of success. It is:

Drive, Urgency, Innovation, Stamina and Passion

Here at JohnHart, we embrace hunger for success, opportunity and consistency and we loathe complacency. Our agents need to exist in the moment, remembering that, everyday you wake up unemployed. But that feeling doesn’t have to be scary or overwhelming or daunting, it can be motivating and inspiring and compelling. The above recipe is a driving force to help you not only become employed, but to achieve success beyond your wildest dreams. We want to inspire each of our agents to change their perspective from “Will today be the day?” to “Every day is THE DAY!” Find the excitement as if it is Day 1. Get the rush as if it is Day 1. Feel the passion as if it is Day 1. Experience the adrenaline as if it is Day 1. Go get it — Today is DAY 1!

Remember the feeling of your first job. Or your first car. Or the first thing you were really passionate about. Now fast-forward 15 years. That feeling, that “newness”, doesn’t tend to last very long. It gets taken for granted. It gets monotonous. It gets old. And the more people look and compare themselves to other people, the more comfortable they feel being uninspired and complacent. “Surely, you can’t maintain that level of passion for any length of time.” But you can, if you really want to.

Don’t make the dream something in the sky that is unattainable. It shouldn’t be “one day…”, it’s TODAY that is DAY 1. Make it a priority. Reinvent yourself. Reprioritize what’s important in life. Find the urgency, the innovation, the drive, the stamina and the passion. It is never too late to fulfill your dreams. It is never too late to achieve success. It is never too late to find your inspiration. It is never too late to dream big. Remember, TODAY IS DAY 1!

Realize that once you have opened your own eyes to your potential for limitless success, there is still no rest for you. Now you are hungry for more. The true entrepreneurs of the world don’t say “I achieved my dreams and then retired to an island somewhere.” They continue to push themselves. They continue to develop and strive and motivate and yearn and dream because they become addicted to the cycle of success, where they have reached and overshot their goals and are now trying to fulfill the new dreams that they have created for themselves. It is the calling to never rest and never quit. Don’t stop — your destiny is waiting for you to catch up. TODAY is your day, TODAY IS DAY 1!

In the meantime, there are always going to be those who are younger and thus quicker and more driven, who may be intimidating to you because their dreams are all mapped out and they are organized and motivated and hungry for their success. This world caters to youth. We celebrate it. Time is unforgiving, as is technology, as is the aging process. However, you are capable of anything. Your boundaries are limitless. Do not sabotage yourself. Do not become complacent. If you have a moment to breathe, you are not working hard enough. Do not be afraid of failure, but instead, embrace the success that is waiting for you. Both marinate in the adrenaline of that achieved dream, but also map it out for yourself. Most self-made professionals do not stumble upon success. They have a very clear vision. What does this look like for you? How do you turn your expectations into reality? How do you turn your dreams into realistic, achievable goals? What do you do first and what do you do now? It all starts TODAY. THIS IS DAY 1.

We at JohnHart want you to realize your limitless potential and achieve success beyond your wildest dreams. We want to motivate you and inspired you and provide a platform so that you can reach your goals. We dream big and we want that for you as well. We believe in you if you believe in yourself. It is never too late. Today is DAY 1!

“It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, its a new life… For me… And I’m feeling good.” coming soon…

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After working with, and for, many different real estate firms, it became apparent to Harout that there was a major disconnect between what consumers needed/wanted and the service that was being provided to them. It was upon this realization that Harout founded and opened JohnHart Real Estate; and as the CEO/Principal Broker he has continued to break from the norm and redefine real estate with an insatiable appetite to give his clients the service and attention they deserve.

About Harout Keuroghlian

After working with, and for, many different real estate firms, it became apparent to Harout that there was a major disconnect between what consumers needed/wanted and the service that was being provided to them. It was upon this realization that Harout founded and opened JohnHart Real Estate; and as the CEO/Principal Broker he has continued to break from the norm and redefine real estate with an insatiable appetite to give his clients the service and attention they deserve.


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